Sunday 17 July 2011

Following Your Dream: To Do or Not To Do

Life's paths by HMP ©
Following Your Dream - 
To Do or Not To Do
You may be asking yourself at this point if you should follow that 'dream' that has always been haunting you at the back of your mind, or leave good enough alone.  You probably have a good (enough) job, a mortgage, family, debts and winter vacation every so often.  Why then, are you nagged by the feeling that life just isn't what you expected - not fulfilling -  like there's always something deeper missing?  Then reason kicks in and tells you, "hey, you can't just give up your stable income, your pension - are you crazy?"

The great news is that you don't have to give up either!  There are ways, many ways, to have both - it's about recognizing and fully acknowledging your dream - and then taking baby steps to work towards it.  The biggest step is knowing!

- Knowing what your passion(s) are
- Knowing what your goals are
- Knowing - really knowing - that you WANT to live your Dream Life

Now, today, you take those baby steps.  Review some of my previous blogs in achieving the inner wisdom and inner knowledge to begin discovering your true dreams and passions.  Start keeping a journal and open your mind to opportunities.  Remember, it is not necessary to throw out the baby with the bath water.  Chances are there are things you are already doing in your life and life experiences will augment and align with your dream passion filled life when the time is right.

Keep your current life commitments while you make the baby steps as opportunities arise.  Pretty soon your inner wisdom will provide the clarity in what you need to do next to achieve the life you were always meant to live.

I hope to meet YOU in your dream life one day soon! ©

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