Saturday, 16 July 2011

Allowing Your Inner Voice To Lead You

"A New Beginning"
By HMP ©
The Inner Voice Leads 

We all have inner wisdom that we need to locate, access and trust; however we also have something called an 'inner guide'.  Our inner-guide is like a compass that longs to lead us to where we should be in our lives.

It talks to us in whispers, brings us to opportunities and uses our inner wisdom to try and guide us.  

If we are stressed out or anxious however, our inner voice is lost behind the noise of our anxieties and busyness of everyday life.  It is important to find that quiet time(s) during each day to ask, hear and listen!

Have you ever had to do an appointment, or felt that you 'should' do a certain task, but something was holding you back?  You had an urge to spend your time doing something else, or finding another answer to the problem?  Perhaps you ignored this 'gut' feeling and ploughed ahead at whatever it was you were going to do.   Then, things didn't work out!  Perhaps your car had a flat tire, or the boss hated your idea or the appointment that you made all efforts to attend was cancelled anyways.  That would be the result of a quiet inner voice trying to nudge you to "think" and look outside the exterior of all things.  Dig deep.  Then deeper.  Think it over.  Realize what and how you're feeling about something and explore that.  

This story reminds me of Jenny.  Jenny was going through a tough divorce and had to commute over an hour to attend legal meetings.  She hated those meetings, and never felt quite ready - but she did as she was told by her lawyer and showed up every time anyways.  One such weekend, Jenny was actively dreading her Monday morning appointment with her lawyer.  She wasn't feeling great, couldn't sleep and was kind of upset but not sure exactly why except that she didn't feel ready.  She decided that she would call and cancel first thing Monday.  She felt better immediately upon making that decision, and did just that.  Later that day she discovered a piece of documentation for her case in  an obscure place and that she never knew existed.  It would save her thousands in legal fees!  

Today, go for a drive in the country.  Without "thinking" consciously - just drive.  Turn down roads that your inner voice guides you.  Have no destination other than where you are lead.  Let your inner voice tell you when and where to stop.  Stop.  Breathe in your surroundings and take note.  Exactly what you need today will be here in this place . . . at this time!

P.S.  Bring your camera!©

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