Thursday, 29 September 2011

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

What Do You Want To Be 
When You Grow Up?
Wear The Hat That Best Suits You!
Do you dread getting up Monday morning, knowing you have to go to work?  Do you dislike or even hate your job?  Everyone deserves to live a complete passion filled life, and that includes our work where we spend most of our hours and days.  Perhaps you're wearing the wrong "hat", perhaps it's time to rethink what you're doing with your life!   Think about what you'd really like to be doing if there were no obstacles.  What could you enjoy, really enjoy doing for 40 hours a week?
If you can't seem to connect with the "real" you, and what you'd love to do, I listed some simple exercises to help you find the hat that fits!

6 Simple Tips to Make Sure That You're Wearing 
The Right Hat For Life!

1)  Simply look at what it is that you enjoy doing in your off-time.  Is it cooking?  Is it entertaining or planning parties and get togethers with friends?  Is it painting or photography?  Believe it or not, but most 'hobbies' can be recreated into careers these days!  In fact, with some time invested a little research and perhaps some retraining, you could be doing what you love full time and making a good living at it!

If you think your 'hobby' or interests seem too corny to develop into something bigger - then think again!  It's about having an idea or interest, and then researching to where it fits into today's market.  It may mean tailoring it somewhat.  If you are an artist for example, a trade that historically is not a big money maker for most, tailor you talents to perhaps graphic design if you like computers as well.  Now you're into the big world of online marketing!  A gift of entertaining can be turned into a career of event planning.  It's about doing the research, and making the move!

2) What did you want to be when you you were little?  Make a list of all the things you thought you wanted to be when you were growing up.  We seem to have this great insight when we're little and then life's journey seems to lead us a stray.  Even if it seems like a lofty goal now, such as becoming a doctor or lawyer, think about it again.  There are new ways to get retraining such as  online courses and distance education to name two.  Even if its one course a season, remember that a 2,0000 mile journey begins with just one step!

3) Volunteer in organizations that  fit where you'd ideally like to work or think you'd like to choose a career in.  If you secretly love curating and art, volunteer at a major art gallery on weekends.  Work hard, go the extra mile, learn, and create your own personal brand.  You'll find out quickly and inexpensively if that's the fit for you!

4) Make and keep a concise contact list!  Who are your friends, acquaintances, business associates?  Chances are that if you've been working for a while you know quite a few people.  Add them to your contact lists such as email or facebook.  Keep getting out there and meeting people.  Keep adding them to your list.  You never know who can help you and in what way in your journey at finding the perfect fit!

5) Pick everyone's brain!  Make sure as you meet new people and then ask a lot of questions!  Find out who they are, what they do, and who they know.    There are some people who have fascinating jobs, jobs that you would have never known existed unless you met them and asked.  Find out what they know.  Glean from their wisdom, life and business experiences.  Become interested in EVERYTHING!  This is about gaining real knowledge - besides the obvious - making contacts!  And people are quite obliging in sharing their stories and what they know.

6)  Be confident!  If you aren't as confident as you think you should be, FAKE IT until you MAKE IT!  In the end, it doesn't matter who you are, a man or woman, how much you earn, or your weight or health issues.  It's about presentation and approach.  You are a brand.  You know stuff simply through life experiences.  You are an individual and there's no clone of you anywhere.  Market yourself properly.  Make sure everyone gets the true brand of who you are - you can only do this by putting yourself out there!  

And remember, enjoy the journey! 

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