Monday 26 September 2011

When Life Throws You a Curve Ball!

Life's Unexpected Pleasures
By HMP ©

When Life Throws You A Curve Ball!

So you know what you love, you've made steps towards your life-dream goals and then . . . disaster hits!

The simplest way to tell you what to do is give you a couple of my favorite quotes and points of guidance at a time like this.  These quotes and ideas have got me through the worst and stopped me from giving up whatever battle I was facing.  Sometimes life can be overwhelming when things don't seem to be working according to plan.  Life kind of has ways of throwing a curve ball sometimes, and when you can't think straight, you need something to lean on.  This helps you to keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get through this rough patch in life.

1)  Never give Up.  NEVER ever.  
2)  Review your objectives & goals frequently
3) Meditate (when you are able) and allow God to provide you with the answers you can't see
4) Think Outside the Box
5) The only way to the other side is Through!
6) Visualize the perfect outcome daily and before falling asleep at night

When life isn't going as planned, there is always a valuable lesson to be learned.  Perhaps you are rushing things and not allowing things to unfold as they need to.  Or maybe you just need to learn something before proceeding that will help you later in life.

Let me tell you about Ken's story:

Ken was strapping and strong young man, happily married, successful and doing what he loved.  He had a positive outlook on life and enjoyed working hard running his own business.  Life then threw Ken a curve ball!  Within a 6 month period, Ken lost his health. The loss of his health also eventually cost him his business.  Finally, Ken lost his wife too.

Many people would give up at this point, and ask "Why me?"  But not Ken.  Ken was a positive person, which helped.  But that alone would not have pulled him through.  It was his stubbornness to "never give up" and his faith in God that wouldn't allow life to keep him down.  He eventually found a way to work around his continued health issues, build another business and find the woman of his dreams.  That was over 25 years ago, and he's happy, healthy and wealthy ever since!

Now is the time in your life to BE STUBBORN!  Don't give up on your life-dreams - never - ever!©

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